Patent Registration in Bangalore
TaxAdvisorIndia offers hassle-free and affordable Patent registration service to companies at their various stages. Our Patent registration services are professionally rendered with a minimum of fuss, and add value to your business proposition by being highly cost-effective and secure.
If you are looking for patent registration in Bangalore, you can find reliable and effective services with us. Our services are fully affordable and give assurance of complete protection. You can contact our lawyers for any assistance, who have the full experience and ability to solve out any types of issues. Although we ensure that our prices are always affordable, but in certain cases, specific estimates can only be attained after a discussion and understanding your specific business requirement.
With an unbeatable experience in providing highly efficient and affordable Patent registration services to a variety of clients, we can ensure accurate results and fast turnaround times for all your business requirements.
Who can file: Any of the following persons can file a patent application: An investor, either alone or jointly with others; His/their assignee; or Legal representative of any deceased inventor.
Where to file: You can file the application at any one of the Indian patent office located at Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai or Kolkata.
The appropriate filing patent office is determined based on the Applicant’s region/location-
- where the applicant resides; or
- Has a place of business, or
- The places from where the invention actually originated.
Patents Filing: Documents Required
1) Application for grant of patent [Form 1].
2) Provisional or complete specification. If the provisional specification is filed, it must be followed by the complete specification within 12 months [Form 2].
3) Drawings (if necessary).
4) Abstract of the invention.
5) Statement and undertaking for the corresponding foreign patent applications [Form 3].
6) Priority document (if priority date is claimed) in convention application.
7) Declaration of inventorship: This is submitted either with the provisional specification followed by the complete specification or in the case of convention/PCT national phase applications [Form 5].
8) A power of attorney (if filed through Patent Agent) [Form-26].
9) Patent statutory fees – Only electronic payment because of E-filing.
Other services offered by TaxadvisorIndia: Trademark registration, Copyright registration, Design registration, IPR renewal, etc.
The firm’s presence in Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad and New Delhi provides clients easy access to the firm’s patent attorneys and agents.
Contact us now to receive an obligation-free price quote for Patent registration services and discuss how we can help your business grow.